YouTube Giveaway!

I started a YouTube channel on June 21, 2017 – 21 days ago!  I almost didn’t do it, because, really!  Who wants to watch me?

Well, Linda of Linda’s Pantry (not the first, but the most convincing) told me that people are interested in what I do, and they would watch.

Well, yesterday during a chance meeting at Costco, she said “I told you so”!  My Grandma told me that once, but that is a story for another time!

Today my channel reached over 1,000 subscribers!  Wow!  Really?

So because so many seem to want to see and hear more, I want to thank you all for your faith and interest in me!

So, I will be giving away:

2 Grand prizes that consist of:  A tub and lid like I use in making sourdough bread, a bakers couche, a bench scraper and a dough scraper, and some of my dehydrated sourdough starter.  Also, there will be 3 prizes of dehydrated sourdough starter.

In order to win, you must:

  1.  Be a subscriber to my YouTube channel:  Vickie’s Country Home.
  2.  Visit this blog:
  3. If you have a YouTube channel, post a VR to Vickie’s Country Home 1st Giveaway
  4. If you don’t have a YouTube channel, send me an email to
  5. The VR or email should be a response to the question “What does homesteading mean to you?”.  There is a lot of controversy over this term.  I know what I think – I want to know what you think.
  6. Responses need to be made by Tuesday, June 27th, 2017.
  7. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, June 28th, 2017.
  8. Sorry, this giveaway is limited to shipments in the United States, as shipping costs would be horrendous!

I am so excited!!!  Thank you to everyone, and good luck!  I really look forward to hearing what you have to say!

17 responses to “YouTube Giveaway!”

  1. Congratulations!! You are doing a great job with your videos and I really enjoy watching. I’ve already learned a couple of things 😊


  2. Hi Vickie, I love your YouTube channel and now this blog as well. I will read more later after work today. You have inspired me so much just in the couple of weeks I have been watching your videos. I will send you the email regarding homesteading and then officially enter your giveaway.


  3. Love your channel and this blog! I don’t have a channel yet, but have thought about doing one someday. Am subscribed to your channel and this blog. May God Bless.


  4. Hi Vicki! Congratulations on 1K subscriber’s!!!!!
    What I feel in my heart about homesteading, is that it can be viewd differently based on each individual’s living situation, and how one may find certain necessities or traits are needed for one’s family to skillfully survive. Whether it be for day to day life or/and emergency situations. Homesteading can also be viewed as taking care of the immediate family or one’s self, within the home! Thank you for this opportunity! God Bless.


  5. I am subscribed to your YouTube channel and now gonna follow your blog.Awesome giveaway and Congrats on you 1000 subscribers.


  6. Vicki, I love your YouTube channel and your blog. You are a real inspiration. I truly understand what Linda, from Linda’s Pantry, means when she talks about how wonderful you and your channel are. Congratulations on your 1000 subscribers! I can’t wait for more videos from you. 🙂


  7. I entered your contest via email. Thanks for the opportunity of entering the contest.
    Linda from Alabama


  8. Sure I’m too late for the giveaway. But just wanted to say Hi! Looking forward to seeing more of your YouTube videos, Welcome to the YouTube Family.


  9. I love your videos…thanks for sharing your wisdom and humor! Congratulations on the success of your vlog….I subscribed and look forward to future viewings.


  10. Your doing great Vickie, Linda was right!! Keep up the great YouTube videos!! Looking forward to see what the future holds… thanks for taking the time to share..
    God bless


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